Regarding random giving (e.g. taking donated items and personally handing them out to random locals in the street)…
“...this kind of giving often has unintended consequences—it can sow community conflict and encourage a culture of dependency and begging.”
It’s better to donate to an establishment such as a church or orphanage, or to one of the multitude of non-profit organizations equipped to identify and distribute to those who are most in need (e.g. Together for Cuba). With a little research about the community you’ll be visiting, you’ll find a lot of resources online that can point you in the right direction.
for a list of suggested items to donate
Together For Cuba is a not-for-profit initiative to assist Cuba’s orphans, and to support local hospitals and clinics in need. Under the umbrella of Mission Go, they deliver vital services, such as housing, medical supplies and education.
Director Jennifer Raymer leads a team of volunteers and works with other non-profit organizations in collecting donations and expediting their transport to Cuba.